Amazon AWS

Administration Amazon AWS Amazon RDS Azure Azure SQL Database Development Editorials SQL Server

Debugging Multi-Cloud Performance

We’ve been chasing issues with performance across a series of applications where there are multiple cloud providers (specifically AWS and Azure) in play. The application is a fairly typical .net web-based application that does calls to Azure SQL DB and AWS RDS at various times and places. The issue we’ll see from time to time surrounds lag time between the...

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Amazon AWS Amazon RDS Azure Azure SQL Database Editorials

Cloud Services… and the bill for them. DBA Opportunity?

So much has been written about DBAs, the cloud and the impact cloud-based resources and services have on the role of the DBA. There’s no doubt the impact has been substantial. In many cases, however, it’s been a good thing. The mundane “noise” of managing databases has become a game of options. You have the option to have a fully-managed […]

Amazon AWS Azure Editorials SQL Server

Multi-Database Solutions

tl;dr There is no easy answer.  But it’s important. It can be really challenging to work efficiently in a world where not only is the hosting environment typically a hybrid of on-site, off-site, public and private cloud configurations, managed and self-managed services… but also where you have multiple databases gathering different bits of information and you’re in a position to […]