What is a Pro Membership on SSWUG.org?

Professional Memberships on SSWUG.ORG are all-inclusive, full-access passes to the site, including all articles and resources.

Professional members (Pro Members) have access to all video content – this includes all virtual conferences, all online courses, all SSWUGtv shows, all webcasts.  Essentially any video content on the site is available for viewing at any time.  To get a great idea of the video content available, click on “Video” in the top menu, and select from the options there that show the categories available.

Of course it also includes discounts and free passes to online events, access to all of the article content on the site, the 1000’s of article summaries from around the world that are hand-picked for you and much more.  We focus on database technologies and making sure you are able to stay on top of industry happenings, trends, tips and techniques.

If you’re interested, you can also contribute to the site, adding your own content to share with others.  From articles to video content, virtual conference sessions to webcasts, whitepapers to scripts, we’re interested in what makes life better for data professionals.   We want to work with you and help spread the knowledge!

To activate your Pro Membership, click here.