(Vijayakumar S) In this article, we learn about BOM in JavaScript.
Java Records – How to use them with Hibernate and JPA
(Thorben Janssen) A lot of developers complain that Java is too verbose. And I can understand that, especially for all classes that are supposed to be a basic data structure, like JPA/Hibernate entities or DTOs.
Apache Arrow and Java: Lightning Speed Big Data Transfer
(Joris Gillis) By its very nature, Big Data is too big to fit on a single machine. Datasets need to be partitioned across multiple machines. Each partition is assigned to one primary machine, with optional backup assignments.
Angular Components for Beginners
(Rajendra Singh Dodiya) This article discusses how to create a reusable component in Angular js. This tutorial is for beginners/freshers or students. I have created the functionality of component and used in our program.
Creating and Playing Sounds using HTML5
(After2050) In this article, we are going to see how we can create and play sounds using the latest version v3 of musquito.
Switch as an expression in Java with Lambda-like syntax
(Rafal Borowiec) As of Java 14, the switch expression has an additional Lambda-like (case … -> labels) syntax and it can be used not only as a statement, but also as an expression that evaluates to a single value.
String Objects in JavaScript
(Vijayakumar S) In my previous article, I have explained the underlying concepts and methods and properties. In this article, we learned about String objects and String methods and Properties in JavaScript.
Ways to Ensure App Security With Java Features
(Andin Bicknell) As important as adding new features, app developers need to start placing more emphasis on the security aspect of the applications they design.
Safer ag-Grid (React) Column Definitions with TypeScript
(morzel) A typo or change in row model in JavaScript will cause an empty column in the grid because an ag-Grid column is bound to a row property by assigning a string to field config.
Hibernate’s ResultTransformer in Hibernate 4, 5 & 6
(Thorben Janssen) Hibernate implements JPA’s standardized constructor expressions and @SqlResultSetMappings to map the results of your queries. And it also supports proprietary ResultTransformers.