I was reading a post talking about some SQL encryption technologies and statements (because, you know, that’s what I do just sitting around…) and found a new potential vulnerability that I’d never really considered before. I don’t pretend that I know *all the things* about security and encryption – it’s a constant process to keep learning and figuring out what […]
Your Job as a DBA Just Got Harder
Privacy – not just a problem for the legal and risk management departments anymore. These days, issues of privacy, security, and data ethics are squarely in the DBA’s court. We just added Steve’s session, Data Ethics, Protection, and Privacy, to the PRO library. Want to learn more? Check that out HERE. As data is critical to organizations, the DBA’s job […]
Security or Convenience?
According to MorningBrew, the current Smartphone market is a bit of a complicated one. While nearly half of the world relies heavily on these devices, the market for them is unstable right now, as people either hang on to their older models or opt for more affordable ones. Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade!Samsung’s newest model, the Samsung 10+ 5G costs a pretty […]
SQL Injection – More tools…
It’s incredible to me when you sit and watch the injection attempts against your public web properties. I realize that most are bot-oriented attempts, that there aren’t people sitting at the other end of most of those connections (no one types that stuff in, give me a break)… but still, someone felt that was a better use of their time […]
SQL Server RAT in the mix.
The creativity of some hackers and malicious actors is just amazing. There is a new bit of malware out there now that highlights some new approaches that I think we’ll start to see more of, and at the same time, incorporates SQL Server, which (at least since some infamous older issues) hasn’t been the specific key component of issues for […]
Where to Start is Often the Question – Here’s Help
One of the bigger challenges as you get your footing with your databases and start addressing all sorts of issues of security, compliance and such – is where to start. How do you know what’s missing or needs attention when there are so many different areas that may indeed need attention? We’ve talked about all sorts of things, from encryption […]
Data Architecture Challenge – “Active Archives”
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that we’re all working through right now is working with the volumes of data on hand, and maintaining it in a usable way. We’ve been working with a couple of different clients to create ways to either use some of Azure’s Elastic Database approach, or move different information bits to different systems that would […]
You and I, we have a reputation problem…
I’ve been talking to all sorts of folks about speaking for the upcoming virtual conference – and we’ll have a heck of a roster, to be sure. But the thing is, there is a weird pattern emerging. When it comes to talking with people that are deep in the security space, and we’re talking about possible topics, they’re genuinely surprised […]
We’re At A Critical Tipping Point Data Control and Privacy-Wise
This is an incredibly important time in the life of a data professional I believe. These are times that are going to shape exactly what’s expected of us all in terms of data ownership, data protection, data privacy, data security and so-on. All of those things sort of fall under the heading of Data Management, particularly when you consider the two […]
Availability as a Database Security Component?
In trolling around reading up on different thing to do with database security, I came across a graphic (credit: checkmarx.com) that took what I thought was a surprising look at security and what was included in an overall secure model for data. There were limited items – Availability, Integrity, Confidentiality. I won’t go into a lot of specifics, I suspect […]