In this tenth part in the series, we are continuing to discuss how you might take advantage of linguistic features available in spaCy. In particular, we’ll look at how you might obtain necessary information related to the task of meaning extraction, when it comes to understanding of user input coming in the form of request utterances. From the previous parts,...
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Concept of Relational Database Model – Part 2
Join Operation A join operation combines linked tuples of different relationships if and only if a particular join condition is met. It is noted ?. For example, if there are two tables: EMPLOYEE and SALARY; Evaluation: ∏EMP_NAME, SALARY (EMPLOYEES ?. For example, if there are two tables EMPLOYEE and SALARY; Evaluation: (EMPLOYEE ?. For example, if there is two tables...
Coronavirus: Tips to staying Motivated and Active
Social Distance doesn’t mean Isolation. Use current technology to stay connected: Call, FaceTime, Web conference, Zoom, Skype your connections with coworkers and friends. Setup regular on-line meetings with your managers and co-workers. Setup one-on-one meetings to stay connected. Have Virtual Lunches with friends: FaceTime or Skype with friends to plan, cook, and eat lunch/dinner together. Schedule these healthy and nutritious...
Tips for using DBCC commands in SQL Server 2019
Tips for using DBCC commands in SQL Server 2019 Try to run the DBCC commands when there are no other disk I/O operations, such as disk backups, replication and so on. Use DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP instead of DBCC CHECKDB, if you need to check only specified filegroup, not entire database. If your database contains several filegroups and you need to check...
Concept of Relational Database Model – Part 1
Definition of Relational Database The relational database management system consists of all modern database management systems, such as SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, My-SQL and MS-Access. Data is displayed in groups (rows) in RDBMS. A relational database is the most commonly used database. It contains several tables, and each table has its own primary key. The RDBMS was...
Coronavirus: 3 Tips to Working From Home
Many companies are directing their employees to work from home during the current coronavirus. But for those of us that are not used to working from home, this transition is stressful. We can easily be distracted with laundry, kids, or a feeling of isolation. Here are a few tips for staying productive. Double your efforts to illustrate status and...
Tips for using temporary tables in SQL Server 2019
Tips for using temporary tables in SQL Server 2019 Try to avoid using temporary tables inside your stored procedure. Using temporary tables inside stored procedure reduces the chance to reuse the execution plan. Use Table data type instead of temporary tables whenever possible. A Table data type is a special data type that used for temporary storage of a set...
AI-powered Search with spaCy – Part 9
In the previous parts, you’ve learned a lot about how to use linguistics features in spaCy to interpret a user query’s intent. Continuing with this topic in this part, we’ll cover to extract intent from user input, using different pattern based on syntactic dependency labels. As a quick refresher, we’ll look at the role of the direct object/transitive verb pair...
Database Model and E-R Diagram – Part 2
Network Model It is an extension of the hierarchical model. In this model, the data is organized graphically and may have more than one main node. In this database model, the data is more closely linked because more relationships are established in this database model. Since the data is more closely linked, access to the data is also easier and...
Something Only Managers Know and No Low-Level Employees Are Aware
What is something only managers know and no low-level employees are aware of? One thing that many low-level employees are often not aware is how performance evaluation, salary discussions, raises and bonus are actually decided. Most employees think their manager is the only input into their performance evaluation and salary opportunities. This is not true. Quotas Most companies have performance...