(Jean Paul) In this article I will take you through an out-of-the-box, but not so popular, feature of SharePoint.
Tag: SharePoint / BI
SharePoint 2010: SharePoint security planning
(Steve Wright and Corey Erkes) SharePoint security can become a larger issue as time goes on if you don’t develop and constantly govern an effective security process up front. A breakdown in security can cause unwarranted access to SharePoint configuration options or potential access to content that
SharePoint Online Website Examples
(Chris Clark) This type of SharePoint public-facing website lacks the full feature set of SharePoint, but is perfectly adequate for websites with basic functionality (not necessarily small or low-traffic sites).
How SharePoint libraries free user dependence on IT
(Scott Robinson) SharePoint libraries in the 2013 platform free users from dependence on IT while urging them toward true collaboration. Average users are more empowered, but that empowerment can amplify the effects of mistakes and diminish the usefulness of the platform’s new features.
SharePoint 2013 – User Profile Properties through JSOM
(Tahir Naveed) This article shows an example of how to access User Profile Properties in SharePoint 2013 through JSOM.
Use KnockoutJs in SharePoint 2013
(Veena Sarda) This is one of the powerful ways to write a UI without requiring server side coding and without Visual Studio and SharePoint Designer.
SharePoint: CRM in a Team Site
(Ellen van Aken) All in all, this Team Site has saved the company hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, and there is much less discussion about the process.
How to hide a group of fields in a SharePoint list using InfoPath 2010
(Abhisarika Singh) I’ve found a really easy way to make collapsible/hidden group of fields in a SharePoint list form using InfoPath 2010. The important thing is we can apply this in an existing list and can modify the form.
Planning Your SharePoint 2013 Solution Strategy
(Scott Jamison, Chris Bortlik and Susan Hanley) According to Microsoft market research, nearly 80% of Fortune 500 companies are using SharePoint.1 Adding educational institutions, government agencies, small businesses, and nonprofits means that a significant number of people who go to work have acce
Using the updated SharePoint 2013 REST API versus the SharePoint 2010 model
(Craig Pilkenton) This article will cover the changes between how we used REST in 2010 and what we need to ‘update’ for using the streamlined interface in SharePoint 2013.