(Luca Mearelli) Using the Ruby on Rails framework it is relatively easy to develop complex systems that are backed by an Oracle database, but this ease doesn’t exempt the developer from the need to optimize the data model and the code that manipulates it.
Tag: SharePoint / BI
XML Paper Specification (XPS) of a Word 2003 Document
(Jayaram Krishnaswamy) Microsoft breathed new life into legacy office documents by opening an XML window (Office Open XML) to its office products through its royalty-free XPS specification. XPS stands for XML Paper Specification that specifies cross-platform, open standard, document representation t
FIX: Error message when you use the sp_addarticle stored procedure to add articles to an existing transactional replication publication: ‘Cannot create a file when that file already exists’
When you add one or more articles to an existing transactional replication publication by using the sp_addarticle stored procedure in Microsoft SQL Server 2000, transactional replication synchronizations fail. Additionally, you receive the following error message: Cannot create a file when that f
Configuring Forms Authentication in SharePoint 2007
(Damon Armstrong) SharePoint 2007 is the latest release of Microsoft’s enterprise collaboration suite, which tightly integrates with the Microsoft Office Suite and allows organizations to establish well-managed corporate knowledge from the darkest depths of informational chaos. At least that’s Micro
ASP.Net : AutoList
(Sanjay Kumar) This small web application has following features: –Auto suggest list box [AutoList.js] –Auto select text. –Scrolling list item either one by one or on the basis of defined page size. –Multicolor list item. –Getting result in the xml form directly from SQL Server using
Profile XSLT transformations within PHP
(Christian Stocker) Ever wanted to know where your XSLT transformations spend most of their time? Look no further than this patch to the PHP XSL extension. It uses the built in profiler of libxslt to get the information which template was called how many times and how much time was spent in them. It
Creating Advanced Solutions for SharePoint 2007
(Gustavo Velez) My previous article Creating Solutions for SharePoint 2007 discussed the importance of SharePoint 2007 Solutions for developers in the shadow of the difficulties deployment of the customizations posed for SharePoint 2003. The article introduced the three methods of utilizing Solution
Rapid Windows application development with IBM Informix Dynamic Server and IBM Database Add-ins for Visual Studio 2005
(Vimal Pradeep and Malarvizhi Kaliyakrishnan) IBM introduced the IBM Database Add-ins for Visual Studio 2005 to allow rapid Windows application development, database schema development, and debugging, along with numerous other features. This IBM tooling has been available for DB2 on all of the Visua
Generating Custom XML from SQL 2005
(Scott Hanselman) There are a number of ways to programmatically generate custom XML from a database. Before reading Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition, you probably used FOR XML AUTO to generate fairly basic XML and then modified the XML in post processing to meet your needs. This was formerl
Planning Redundancy and Scaling the SharePoint Environment
(Colin Spence and Michael Noel) Any enterprise platform needs to be able to adjust, grow, and scale out to fit the needs of a changing organization. SharePoint is no exception to this rule, and the creators focused on the ability to scale certain components within SharePoint to be able to adjust to