(Wei-Meng Lee) Over the years, we have all seen the proliferation of Web applications. In the early days, Web sites consisted of sets of static HTML pages, with nice graphics and lots of information. Then, server-side technologies like CGI, ASP, and JSP made Web applications possible and suddenly us
Tag: SharePoint / BI
Customizing WSS 3.0 with Master Pages
(Ameet Phadnis) Last year I wrote an article on ASPalliance entitled Working with SharePoint Templates. In that article I explained how we can customize SharePoint templates to brand your website. For that process you needed to know lot of stuff and frankly, if you missed any steps, the whole Templa
Conditional Indexes….
(Vivek Sharma) Conditions are mostly applied to a SQL Query to filter set of rows from a rowset. These conditions allow optimizer to make a sensible guess on the Indexes to be used and the execution path to be chosen. But apart from the Queries, these conditions can also be applied to Indexes to opt
ScriptManager Enables AJAX In Your Web Apps
(Ben Rush) Today the consumer of a Web site can be as responsible for its content, direction, and success as the publisher. Social networking sites, blogs, online photo journals, and wikis are just a few of the new styles of Web sites springing up every day, and it’s just the beginning. Your Web sit
Problem with HTTP Binding of BPEL Process
(Peter Ebell) BPEL processes are very Web Service centric, and a typical way to launch a BPEL process, or to communicate with a running BPEL process instance, is through SOAP web service calls. (That is, of course, unless the BPEL process uses File-, FTP-, Queue and/or Database Adapters to listen to
How to Create a Database Connection by using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor
(Jo-Anne West) Learn how to create a database connection for the Business Data Catalog in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 with the Microsoft Business Data Catalog Definition Editor tool for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.
A Clean Exit
(Jim Mischel) The fundamental problem is that once the main program starts the logging thread, that thread runs essentially forever because there is no clean way to shut it down. Calling Thread.Abort will in most cases cause the thread to exit, but it’s hardly a clean way to do things. Thread.Abort
PureXML: Why Is This Feature So Important to Your Business?
(Troy Coleman) In order to understand why PureXML is so important to your business, you need to first understand what XML is and where the industry is going with it. If you’re a Java developer on UNIX or Windows, then you probably already know all about XML. However, XML use is relatively new on th
SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) Part – 2
(Virag Sharma) Case: – You want to adjust some parameters in production and you want to check how over all application going to run i.e. is SQL performance improved or it degrade ? <!–[endif]–>
What is the position of a row?
(Simon Sabin) The simple answer is there isn’t one.