Tag: SharePoint / BI


Scheduling Jobs in the Database

(Jeyarani Venkatasamy) Operating systems such as UNIX/Windows provide a facility called a cron program, which is used to execute certain tasks at specified times and/or repeated at regular intervals at the operating system level. This facility is very useful to run commands on a regularly scheduled


Content of base table SYS.PROPS$

(Marco Gralike) A long long time ago (during my Oracle 7 days), I once needed to update base table SYS.PROPS$. This action was needed to change the database NLS characterset of US7ASCII to a characterset that would support GERMAN. Based on a metalink note, updating the SYS.PROPS$ base table, was the


Catching the (Silver) Light

(Dave Campbell) I’d guess that everyone reading this magazine has heard of Silverlight. I’ll also guess that not everyone has jumped at the opportunity to “play” with something that had been in beta. The good news is that Silverlight 1.0 is now released! I’ve spent a lot of time with Silverlight sin