(George J. Trujillo Jr.) When working in a Unix/Linux/Mac OS environment, aliases can make things a lot easier if you are running the same commands over and over again. Here are a few aliases you can define to simplify running MySQL commands. Then just type the alias name. Put these in one of you
Tag: SharePoint / BI
Decimal to Binary, Binary to Decimal
(Greg Spall) The following functions convert decimal numbers to binary and binary numbers to decimal.
ENV_SYS_INFO and other views in DB2 V9
IBM introduced some new administrative views in DB2 V9, widely known as viper. These new administrative views belong to the schema SYSIBMADM. Some of the important administrative views are: • ENV_SYS_INFO: Returns information about OS, CPU and Memory. • ENV_INST_INFO: Returns information
Push RSS to new limits
(Jonathan Levin) This tutorial presents an innovative use of the well-known Really Simple Syndication (RSS) format’s associative properties to emulate the functionality of a simple relational database. It demonstrates using RSS channels to store contact information and meeting information—much as a
Creating a Data Access Layer for Paging in SQL Server 2005
(David Beahm) In my previous article, Paging in SQL Server 2005, I demonstrated how to support paging the results of a SQL query inside of a stored procedure. In this two-part article, I will tie that logic to an ASP.NET page with a GridView and DetailsView to demonstrate an efficient way to incorpo
Debugging PL/SQL Code
(Steven Feuerstein and Bill Pribyl) In this eighth part of a nine-part series on managing PL/SQL code, you will learn some effective debugging strategies. We’ll also begin talking about tuning PL/SQL programs.
A First Look at the VS2008 ReportViewer
(William R. Vaughn) Now that Visual Studio 2008 has shipped, you finally can get a firm grip on what’s there (and what’s still missing). One of my favorite features of Visual Studio 2005 is the ReportViewer control that leverages the considerable work done by Microsoft to develop and refine the Repo
End-to-end federated trusted contexts in WebSphere Federation Server V9.5
(Priya Baliga and Eileen Lin) End-to-end federated trusted contexts is a new feature set to debut in IBM WebSphere Federation Server V9.5. This feature alleviates the security concerns associated with multi-tier models by propagating end-user identities through all tiers of the application model wit
DITA: Does One Size Fit All?
(Bob Doyle) Back in June 2006 I wrote an XML Editors review article for EContent that covered a dozen desktop and web-based authoring tools for XML. That article was a bit too hard on both the writer and editorial staff, so we’re not likely to do it again soon.
Installing SQL Server 2008
(Don Schlichting) This article will highlight the steps involved to install SQL Server 2008. The installation is simple and straightforward. Trial and preview versions can be downloaded from Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/2008/prodinfo/download.mspx . If you’re new to SQL Server, then dec