(John W Powell) In a previous post I made a case for following a database naming standard for SharePoint databases. What started as an investigation into how to rename the auto-generated SharePoint 2010 databases led me down a path bordering obsession.
Tag: SharePoint / BI
Creating SharePoint 2010 Visual Web Parts in Visual Studio 2010
(Ben Hedges) Visual Web Parts enable developers to build Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Web Parts by using a design surface in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
User Profile Subsystem in SharePoint Server 2010
(Spencer Harbar) This diagram shows the high level architecture and the various components that make up the User Profile subsystem in SharePoint Server 2010.
Referential Integrity in SharePoint 2010
(Destin joy) In this article I am showing you a new feature in SharePoint 2010 called referential integrity.
Don’t do SharePoint multi-tenancy without claims-based authentication
(Maxime Bombardier) As you can see from my 2 previous posts (UPS, host-name site collections and search), I’ve been toying with Multi-tenancy on SharePoint 2010 and trying out different options.
SharePoint 2010 multi-tenants and User Profiles Services : do not sync profiles before adding at least one tenant!
(Maxime Bombardier) Following my previous post on search crawl with multi-tenancy, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/maximeb/archive/2010/10/24/configuring-sharepoint-2010-search-for-crawling-host-name-site-collection-tenants.aspx, I found a little bug when synchronizing user profiles for multi-tenants.
Configuring SharePoint 2010 search for crawling host-name site collection tenants
(Maxime Bombardier) I’ve been playing with SharePoint 2010 multi-tenancy in the past 2 weeks and I had some issue setting up search so that it can crawl tenants properly. The setup is the following:
Creating SharePoint 2010 Sequential Workflows in Visual Studio 2010
(Ben Hedges) Visual Studio 2010 provides a template for creating a Sequential Workflows that enables developers the opportunity to build workflow solutions within SharePoint using a graphical design surface. Sequential Workflows have a pre-determined order of activities that define the workflow.
Creating SharePoint 2010 Event Receivers in Visual Studio 2010
(Ben Hedges) Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 provides a project type that enables you to build event receivers that perform actions before or after selected events on a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 site. This example shows how to add an event to the adding and updating actions for custom list items.
Deploying a custom master page in SharePoint 2010
Today we created a Module. A module can be used to deploy files to your SharePoint environment and the scenario we came up with was to use a module to deploy a master page.