(Mike Smith) Microsoft has generally done a good job of keeping new versions of SharePoint compatible with the older versions. While over time some features have dropped out of the documentation, most still work. An example is the Query String option to sort and filter a list.
Tag: SharePoint / BI
Fast Search Server 2010 for SharePoint: Proof of Concept – Part 2a: Search – Ignoring Indexed Folders
(Carlos Valcarcel) Last time we crawled a file system and indexed that content. In doing so we discovered that the SharePoint crawler also submits the folders of the file system to the index and Fast gladly adds them. This means that the search results can appear crowded
4 Tips to Using SharePoint Lists to Improve Project Delivery
(Steve Hart) A SharePoint list represents a great tool to capture and maintain project information in a very structured manner. In addition, the information maintained in the list is more accessible to the team than information maintained “off-line” in tools such as Excel.
5 cool things SharePoint can do (that you didn’t know)
(Eric Riz) SharePoint 2010 has been widely adopted by companies of all sizes since its release. Through its evolution from previous versions, the business view of SharePoint has changed dramatically.
SharePoint 2010 Caveats: Dont Get Caught Out!
(Michal Pisarek) Anyone who has worked with SharePoint for more than, well 5 minutes, knows that there are some caveats to the product. So over a conversation on Skype Paul Culmsee and I came up with a hair brained idea to present a talk about some of the most common, dangerous and some downright st
Create Custom SharePoint 2010 Table Styles
(Ben Tedder) Let’s take a look at the default (OOTB) table styles that come with SharePoint 2010, and then we’ll create a brand new table style of our own using CSS. If you want a broader look into how to integrate custom header and styles, click here to read my article about that.
Authentication Error in InfoPath Form services in SharePoint 2010
(Melick Rajee Baranasooriya) The following errors occurred for me while InfoPath form services was trying to access a user profile service. My profile connections are stored in a udx file.
Care required in extending SharePoint 2010 capabilities externally
(Brien M. Posey) Let’s face it, the usual method of using email to request information from a business partner for a joint project is inefficient. Someone in one organization typically sends a message to someone in the other, then must wait for a response and hope that it contains all of the informa
Dynamically display department information for a user in a list
(Stefan Bauer) A number of times over the last couple of years I’ve been asked by my customers: “Is it possible to show the department information of a user who created an item in lists in a dynamic way?” My answer to this was always, that it is not supported and cannot be done.
SharePoint: The No Code way to Customize FAST Search – Part 1: Search Results
(Kathryn Ciaralli) SharePoint Search can be a great way to elevate the findability of content to a whole new level; even better, it’s easily customizable.