(Ben Tedder) Today we’ll be creating 5 (don’t be scared!) small files that will result in you being able to add a Content Query Web Part to a page, and display the results in an “accordion” format.
Tag: SharePoint / BI
Mind Map: SharePoint User Permissions and Permission Levels
(Chris Howell) I recently came across this article again and felt that a Mind map would be a good means of presenting the information and potentially useful as a learning/training tool.
What’s new within SharePoint 2013 Search – Part 3: Search Dictionaries, Query Builder, Query Client Type and more
(Nicki Borell) Custom ranking models are managed through PowerShell using XML files as it was in SharePoint 2010. Ranking Model for a specific query can be selected at query time by setting the RankingModelId of the query otherwise the default is used.
SharePoint: Current Month Report in PerformancePoint Tabular Model
(Neil Barkhina) For the next several posts I am going to focus on my new-found love which is the Business Intelligence Semantic Model or BISM for short.
SharePoint and those little tick boxes that do so much
(Ben Henderson) When you are working with SharePoint you soon learn that there are some little changes that you can make that will make a big difference to the way that you end up working with the application.
SharePoint: Confessions, Regret, and Dialogue Mapping
(Kerri Abraham) SharePoint is about initiating change and there are always battles with change. In order to effectively navigate the pathways of change and bring two resistant parties together like Business and IT, some serious conversation needs to take place.
Using SharePoint Filters with Reporting Services Parameters for Personalized Reports
(John P White) Using Reporting Services integrated with SharePoint has some tremendous advantages for report re-use. In many cases, a single report can be designed, and then placed on contextual pages for customized display by setting the report parameters through the Reporting Services web part.
How to log to the SharePoint ULS Logs: Clean Debugging and Error Logging broken down into steps
(Philip Stathis) This article is meant to introduce a simple error logging routine that can really simplify your debugging when needed.
SharePoint 2010: Manage SharePoint Apps
(Steve Wright and Corey Erkes) In many respects, creating solutions for SharePoint environments is similar to any other type of application development. It’s important that you manage requirements, versions and upgrades in a way that provides a predictable, repeatable process. You’ll also typically
SharePoint: Provisioning Themes to Site Collections and Sub Sites
(Andre Lage) This solution will add and activate a Custom Theme when a Site Collection associated to a Template is created and will inherit the Custom Theme every time a Sub Site is created.