(Adrian England) Scamps should be the first stage of designing a SharePoint site (or any other site for that matter) when the content that is displayed on each page needs to be defined.
Tag: SharePoint / BI
Create a ‘Save My Searches’ Feature in SharePoint 2010 with JavaScript/jQuery
(Craig Pilkenton) The end-result is a Web Part that can be dropped on any page for quick access to their saved searches while having a small UI profile and doesn’t require navigating away from the core idea; seeing their favorite Search Results.
SharePoint: Project Management in a Team Site
(Ellen van Aken) Over the years, we have used Team Sites extensively for managing and working in projects. Depending on the type of project, we have used them in different ways:
Error trying to access SharePoint List from Power Query
(Adam W. Saxton) When trying to pull data from a SharePoint List Data Source, using the Microsoft Online Services ID, you may see the following output in your query:
The SCA as a SharePoint Professional
(Scott Shearer) It is my opinion that the SharePoint SCA (and, to a lesser extent, the Site Owner) is the most underappreciated person in the SharePoint world. In other words, the SCA gets no respect.
Store, sync and share with SharePoint
(Vivek Narasimhan) Whether you are an individual working on a document by yourself, or a team that needs to collaborate on a project, SharePoint has many capabilities that help improve productivity across an organization. This post focuses on a small subset of those capabilities.
Remove a Bad Web Part in SharePoint
(Mai Omar Desouki) When we develop a web part, we definitely face errors. Unfortunately these errors may prevent you from loading the page. Instead, all you can see is an error! Helpful, I know!
SharePoint Start Workflow : Error The security validation for this page is invalid.
(Guru Pratap Ketepalli) Whenever we start the workflow programmatically using SPWorkflowManager.StartWorkflow(), it throws security validation exception. Since we run with elevated previleges, the way to fix is to call SPUtility.ValidateFormDigest(). I am assuming you will get the ListItem by using
SharePoint and Beginning Branding: CSS is the Key
(Mark Miller) With CSS, any site manager can make some very effective updates to their site without access to the server.
What is Focus on Content in SharePoint Online 2013?
(Alexandru Dionisie) In SharePoint Online 2013, in the Promoted Actions toolbar among Share, Follow, Edit, Sync commands, there is another command called Focus on Content.