
What IS A Virtual Conference??

What IS A *SSWUG.ORG* Virtual Conference??
We’ve just announced our virtual conference for the Fall and I have had a bunch of questions about what we’re doing, how it’s different from the other "virtual conferences" out there.

First, we’re all about the content. Period.

If you take a look, you’ll see that we’re totally focused on content that you can use in your daily life working with data. This means you’ll hear from top names – and not just "here’s my slide, I hope you can hear me on the phone" type presentations, these are studio-created sessions. I think you’ll find that there’s a reason that people will plug their laptop into the TV and watch the sessions nice and full-screen. The platform we use is all about delivering great content. We built it that way. 🙂

Second, we’re all about the content.

Take a look at the sessions and speakers. This isn’t just a few sessions, it’s more than 30. That’s right, 30+ sessions (NO SALES!). This is technical content. See the presenter, see the materials, see the demos, the slides. Download slides, scripts and more.

Take a look – you won’t be sorry. You can even get a DVD of all of the sessions, or watch on-demand if you miss a session or want to re-watch a session.

Check it out here – we won’t bite and you won’t be sorry.

I hope to see you there, I’ll be there live, every day, starting the day off with technical tidbits and information about the conference, your questions and some surprises.

Questions? Shoot me an email – I’d be happy to help. I’m at swynk@sswug.org