
Open Kimono Time for Data

Open Kimono Time for Data
Is it time to shift our job goals? I think so.

For years it’s been about protecting data. This has run the full range of duties, from protecting data security-wise to protecting data to provide for recovery. I think these are still key, but I think too that our focus is going to necessarily shift.

The shift comes from the increasing volume of the onslaught of data. 2G data plans aren’t enough any more to handle the amount of information we’re dealing with. Not only that, but that’s just mobile plans – that doesn’t take into account the devices that are connected, the fact that many of us have multiple mobile devices and, oh yes, the actual computers (I hear some actually still use those, as I do).

I think we need to get very serious about how we provide that access to and storage of information and make it real. If you were to ask me today where you should focus, I’d tell you to learn the basics of managing a system, but then learn about data warehousing, data extraction and cleansing and learn about business processes.

We’re going through this very thing at SSWUG – we have years and years of data now on what people like to read about. What types of articles, what’s helpful, what’s not so helpful. We’re building new systems around using that information to bring you what you really want to see, how you want to see it. It sounds cliche’, but I’m serious – we are really looking into how we can be continuing to morph our systems to evolve.

I’m sure you are too.

If not, you need to be and will be soon, I’m confident of that.

This is more than just "go out and learn reporting services," this is learning how to get more out of your systems. For me personally, it’s been about learning the information we have, then how it’s used, then how you summarize the information. In supporting semi-connected devices over all sorts of line speeds, we have to take into account getting you information in increasing levels of detail to let you drill down. This honors bandwidth issues, and it makes better use of your readers/users time. They get detail only on the things most important.

This hasn’t been our area of focus as DBAs, but I think we cannot avoid it, nor should we. Perhaps we should change from being a DBA to a DBF. A database Facilitator.

What do you think? Let me know…
