
Interesting Trends, Smaller Teams, More … To Do

New selecTViews Video Posted
Today Ben Miller joins me on selecTViews. We talked about how companies work with developer and DBA teams, what works, what doesn’t and a lot more.
[Check out the show here]

Featured Article(s)
Importing Geospatial data from MS Excel 2010 to SQL Server 2008 R2
This article shows how you would bring in geo-spatial data from an MS Excel 2010 Spread Sheet file to a database table in SQL Server. As SQL Server 2008 R2 supports geo-spatial data it is very easy to process it on the SQL Server. SQL Server Import and Export Wizard is used.

Interesting Trends, Smaller Teams, More … To Do
As I’ve been talking with speakers coming to the studio for the vConference, more and more we’re ending up talking about teams, workload and how we work with fewer people, with more to do. In talking with Jeff Garbus today, he made a really interesting comment that you’ll see on an upcoming show – and that is that he’s seeing where smaller teams lead to less support after a deployment. Teams are forced to move on more quickly after an application is rolled out and this is impacting the responsiveness to issues that may come up as applications roll into production.

I thought this was pretty amazing, and very insightful. Are you seeing this type of situation at your company, your clients or other places? I know I’ve seen it, but frankly haven’t been able to pinpoint it like Jeff did. It seems to me that this could be addressed by starting to deploy teams a bit differently. Perhaps we need to look at phased implementation teams where most of the team moves on, but a skeleton triage team is retained to address issues that come up. There is nearly always some sort of issue, be it performance under load or simply usability or how-to information.

Would this work in your shop or the ones you work with? Email me here, let me know

Fantasy Football!
If you’re interested, we’ll be starting up the fantasy football league(s) once again here at SSWUG. These are the premium leagues offered by Yahoo! Sports and include the stat tracker options and such. It’s a great deal of fun. It’s included free with your SSWUG membership, you just have to let me know the following (if you don’t, you won’t be able to participate, sorry):

Your SSWUG.org member ID:
Are you currently a full member?
Have you participated in the league in a prior year?

Email this information to me at swynk@sswug.org – please be sure to put a subject line of SSWUG.ORG Fantasy Football

Here’s to a great year of football!

Featured White Paper(s)
Improve I/O Performance: Top 7 Benefits to Solid State Disk Storage
Application performance can be finicky. One day an application is slowed by network latencies; another day it can be impacted… (read more)