
Insiders a Real Threat

Insiders a Real Threat
Today on the show [Watch the Show] one of the things we look into is the fact that "insiders" are becoming the key issue with IT-based systems. Essentially, with all of the privileges associated with being in IT, you end up with people with ready access to things that can be abused. From data storage to personal information to identity theft items or "simply" company secrets.

I think one of the ways we separate the good from the bad is transparency. Transparency about what we do and how we do it between us and those we serve or work for is going to bring successful "trust but verify" type situations. If you can make sure those that need to know are confident in your environment and approach, and be acting and peforming along those same lines (no difference between perception and reality) you’ll be home-free.

Have you taken steps to make things more transparent? Do you feel the pull to help those you work with feel solid in their work with you – to make sure they have well-founded trust that they don’t have to question… ever? How are you educating those you work with so they can feel informed, but not like they need to do your job (or understand the details)?

What do you think? Let me know…
