Almost Tax Day!
Just a friendly reminder for those in the US.
Favorite Management Studio Tricks
It’s fun to see what types of things people have come across in using Management Studio – lots of little things that can help make working with data, queries and such a bit easier.
Leif: "Dragging the columns folder from Object Explorer onto a query to list every column."
David: "Ctrl-K-D to format code is one of my favorites."
Steve: "Highlighting only a portion of a SQL Statement, then hitting Ctrl-E to run that portion only – good way to test code."
Scott: "Copy/paste from the results window (grid mode) to Excel – works like a champ!"
Other Goodies:
Did you know that you can have some jobs created for you as SQL Agent jobs? For example, right click on a table, then select Script Table As… Drop and Create To… and you can select Agent Job.
Did you know you could use the filter option to, well, filter what you see in the object explorer? Just click on (for example) Tables, the click the funnel at the top of the object explorer. You can select the name (all or part) you’re looking for and you’ll be off and running.
Script it out – nearly every object, every operation has the ability to script out what you’re about to do, a definition for the current object, etc. It’s an EXCELLENT way to learn TSQL and see what’s happening on your system.
Featured Article(s)
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2008 backup/restore problems
In this article, Alexander Chigrik describes some problems you can have with SQL Server 2008 backup and restore and shows how you can resolve these problems.