
A Special Announcement

We’ve just launched Class Pass, the option to have full access to all courses and virtual conferences (and more goodies are on the way) from SSWUG.ORG. It’s a great way to take your time with courses, while at the same time staying up to date on skills and having the references you need.

Have you seen the class directory? And this is just today. Click here to check it out. More are on the way – it’s the single biggest repository of learning (it’s already more than 185 hours, just in course materials!). Plus, you’ll get a free pass to the vConference, coming up in July.

Get more information here – just click the information link after you login. It’s pretty straightforward though – you simply have access to everything (including a full SSWUG.ORG membership!).

Once you’re registered, you’re also part of the group that helps determine the direction of content on the site – who and what would you like to see? Just let me know (swynk@sswug.org) and we’ll do our level best to arrange it.

It’s Impossible To Know What to Say
The bombings in Boston are impossible to understand and make any sense of at all. Our thoughts are with those that are helping out and those impacted by these actions. We have family that actually cleared the finish line just 30 minutes or so prior to the first blast. Needless to say, it was a close call. For so many others, it wasn’t a near miss and what I keep hearing over and over is that the people of Boston have been incredible.

From the first responders to shop-keepers and just about anyone that could, people stepped up and helped. It was amazing to hearing the stories – from the little things to the major efforts that were made. My hat’s off to you Boston – a real class act.

There is a quote going around from Mr. Rogers. It says "Focus on the Helpers." The amazing helpers. I think this says it all.