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RIL: A Taste of Knowledge

The previous section illustrated the basics of 4RDF, yet 4RDF has many other features. One of the more ground-breaking among those is RDF Inference Language, or RIL. RIL is considered experimental in 4RDF 0.9.1, but it does perform some heavy duty work in the OpenTechnology.org code, and is maturing


4RDF: A Library for Web Metadata

4Suite is a library and collection of tools for XML and object database development using Python, with support for most UNIX flavors and Win32. Fourthought, Inc. develops 4Suite as open source software, and the package (this article discusses the 0.9.1 release) includes a set of sub-components:


XML Indexing

Sequoia Software is the leading provider of XML-powered e-business software. Sequoia’s flagship product, XPS, leverages XML to create the premiere e-business portal. One of the unique applications of XML within the portal is ability create contextual indexes from XML content. Searches of the index p


Finding Relatives

When your XSLT processor is processing one node of your source tree, and you want to get something from another node, you can use an XPath expression and an xsl:value-of instruction. I'm going to hurry through the general structure of an XPath expression to get to the really useful stuff: using


Python/XML Reference Guide

XML is the eXtensible Markup Language, a subset of SGML, intended to allow the creation and processing of application-specific markup languages. Python makes an excellent language for processing XML data. This document is the reference manual for the Python/XML package, containing several XML module


XSLT Case Conversion Solution

The solution of a problem like case conversion can take many forms, especially when you use a language like XSLT, which gives you the flexibility to give many solutions; each one with a different degree of recursiveness. The solution presented in this document is a middle-ground solution, it's r