Australian company Integrated Research Pty Ltd (IR) today announced the release of a significant upgrade to its systems and application management software suite PROGNOSIS®. For 12 years, PROGNOSIS has dominated the global Compaq (NYSE: CPQ) NonStop Himalaya environment – the predominant platform fo
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ProLiant Sizer Tool for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
The Compaq ProLiant Sizer for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is an automated tool for determining a recommended configuration for a transaction processing application. Based on testing and characterization studies performed by Compaq, the Compaq ProLiant Sizer provides a quick and consistent method for id
XML Standards News;SVG and XLink become Candidate Recommendations
In August, two candidate recommendations were presented by the W3C. First was Scalable Vector Graphics V. 1.0. SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. It allows for vector graphic shapes, images and text. Graphical objects can be grouped, styled, transformed and composed
The Return Of The Java Client
Now, client-side Java is back with a vengeance–and not always in the form of applets. The need to build robust B2B apps drives many IT managers to create full-featured client-side Java applications for their e-business partners. And many of these client apps are so healthy in size that they have to
XML-Deviant: XML Reduced
The boom, and the possible subsequent bust, and, through it all, the hype surrounding new technologies is a fact of life in the IT industry. It provides a rich source of material for the technology media. Unsurprisingly, XML has received its share of criticism, including recent claims that it's
Excelergy Joins OASIS and Publishes First XML Standards for the Retail Energy Industry
Excelergy Corporation today announced that it has become a sponsor of the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) to promote the industry-wide acceptance of XML standards for open electronic data exchange among retail energy companies. Excelergy, a provider of e-
Leverage legacy systems with a blend of XML, XSL, and Java
As e-commerce becomes a focal point for companies scrambling to have a presence on the electronic frontier, incorporating those new ventures into the existing infrastructure becomes crucial. While a compendium of middleware applications can assist in that endeavor, a few creative applications using
What's wrong with Perl and XML?
The idea for this column came from a talk Nathan Torkington gave at YAPC, in which he described areas where Perl was weak, one of which is XML. Although there are many excellent Perl modules dealing with many aspects of XML (among which a good dozen offer various ways of transforming XML documents),
Following the successful launch of its eBIS-XML initiative earlier this year, BASDA (the Business & Accounting Software Developers’ Association) has now introduced its latest eBIS-XML Web Shopping Cart schema which enables companies to transmit orders generated on their websites, directly into their
Read about building business-to-business applications with JavaTM technology and XML. Within the next few years, business-to-business (B2B) commerce is expected to experience phenomenal growth. Recently, Forrester Research estimated that B2B e-commerce revenue in the United States will increase from