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Delivering Data To Mobile Users

Another solution we have found is to use the offerings from Microsoft's SQL Server 7. SQL 7 has a few key pieces of functionality that lend themselves to the sometimes disconnected user. The first key piece is the MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine), which is actually the guts of SQL 7 without the fron


XML Jargon Demystifier ™

One of the problems in learning a new technology like XML is getting used to the jargon. A good book will hold you by the hand, introduce terms gradually, and use them precisely and consistently. Out in the real word, though, people use imprecise terminology that often makes it hard to understand th


Java and XML

Java revolutionized the programming world by providing a platform-independent programming language. XML takes the revolution a step further with a platform-independent language for interchanging data. Java and XML shows how to put the two together, building real-world applications in which both the


Learning to RELAX

In this article, we'll explore some of the more advanced features of the RELAX schema language by using it to create a schema for the XMLNews-Story Markup Language. Although the XMLNews-Story markup language has been superseded by the News Industry Text Format, I've chosen it because it'