Other News


dbXML Core 0.9 released

The dbXML project issued its first official alpha release, version 0.9 of the dbXML Core. dbXML Core is a "native XML database designed to manage large collections of small XML documents… easily embedded into existing applications, highly configurable and openly extensible."


Admin 911: SQL Server 2000

Book by Brian Knight – At first blush, the title of this book sounds obscure. What exactly is meant by Admin 911? I didn't know either until I read through the book. Now that I understand what this book is all about, I would like to propose some alternate titles for this book: Advanced SQL Serve



X-Smiles is a Java-based XML browser for desktop computers and network devices. A prime objective of the project is adding multimedia support and the ability to read documents written in various XML languages to Java-based embedded network devices.


SQL Server 2000 Product Overview

Business today demands a different kind of database solution. Performance, scalability, and reliability are essential, and time to market is critical. Beyond these core enterprise qualities, SQL Server 2000 provides agility to your data management and analysis, allowing your organization to adapt qu