Other News


The XML Handbook™, Third Edition

Author: Charles F. Goldfarb and Paul Prescod – The XML Handbook is the definitive entry point to XML for Web professionals — content developers, managers, and programmers — but you needn't be a programmer to read it. Although XML, like HTML, is derived from SGML (which was invented by one of t


What's New in SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2000 gives users an excellent streamlined database platform for large-scale online transactional processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and e-commerce applications. This paper provides brief overviews of the improvements made to SQL Server version 7.0. SQL Server 2000 offers users a fully i


Numeric Primary Keys

From SQLTeam, Tim writes "The most obvious thing to do for records that have no unique column/s is to create an int identity column. For example, I have a 'address' table that should have a unique address_id for each record. Now, normally, I would configure a column address_id as 'in


What You See Isn't What We Want

by Leigh Dodds – Amid all the attention currently focused on XML as a means for business data interchange, it seems as if its original use — marking up documents — has been neglected. This week the XML-Deviant highlights a frequently asked question which shows that many people are still seeking ho


What's New in SQL Server 2000

This paper provides brief overviews of the improvements made to SQL Server version 7.0. SQL Server 2000 offers users a fully integrated Extensible Markup Language (XML) environment, adds a new data mining feature in Analysis Services, and enhances repository technology with Meta Data Services.