Other News


Inside UDDI

By Richard Karpinski – Later this month, UDDI.org will unveil version 2.0 of its specification for helping companies find each other via the Internet. UDDI provides an XML-based method for businesses to describe themselves and the Web-based services they offer. The UDDI Business Registry is t


New Perl XML modules

Recently released Perl modules for processing XML include XML::XSLT::Wrapper and XML::SAXDriver::CSV. XML::XSLT::Wrapper provides a unified interface from Perl to a variety of XSLT processors. Release 0.32 brings speedups, passing of input either as a string or as a filename, and various


Three Myths of XML

by Kendall Grant Clark – Thinking clearly about the social implications of computer technology always repays the investment it requires, especially when the computer technology in question is the Internet and the Web, both of which have been called revolutionary by their boosters. And it always pays