Other News


How to use XLink with XML

By Brett McLaughlin – XLink, an XML-related specification, lets you achieve dramatic linking effects in your XML documents. In this short tip learn how to include parts of other XML documents in your own XML through XLink. The code example demonstrates the technique.


SQL Server Fast Facts

Discover the information you need to evaluate SQL Server based on its performance, scalability, reliability, market momentum, cost of ownership, and ease of use, from the industry's leading sources. You will also find a list of reference links that will provide quick access to statistics, benchm


Professional XML Meta Data

The book 'Professional XML Meta Data', from Wrox Press, is for developers who are familiar with basic XML concepts and are seeking new methods for building data/process descriptions, resource discovery/retrieval, and exchanging/sharing information. Many of the topics covered are pioneering t


Professional XML Schemas

Professional XML Schemas exhaustively details the W3C XML Schema language, and teaches the new syntax in an intuitive and logical way. From declaring elements and attributes, creating complex content models and working with multiple namespaces, you'll move on to see how XML Schemas are used in r


P2P and XML in Business

by Brian Buehling – Following the growth of business-to-business exchanges and supply chain management systems, the emergence of peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is likely to become another deployment arena for XML technology. Whether exchanging user messages, application state, or processing instructio