Other News


The Collected Works of SAX

by Leigh Dodds – Now more than three years old, SAX (Simple API for XML) is the oldest and most stable XML API in widespread use today. Yet despite its obvious utility it can be quite daunting to programmers making their first foray into manipulating XML documents. It's no surprise, then, than m


The Self-Taught DBA

by Brad M. McGehee – So what options does an intelligent individual, such as yourself, have if you want to become a DBA (or to become a master DBA, if you are already a newbie DBA)? If you can’t get the training you really need from classes, where do you turn? If you are like most DBAs I


Indexing XML documents

By David Mertz, Ph.D. – As XML document storage formats become popular, especially for prose-oriented documents, the task of locating contents within XML document collections becomes more difficult. This column extends the generic full text indexer presented in David's Charming Python #15 column



Alpine™ – The XML Test Tool – is the leverage you need for a quality XML application. Alpine allows developers to generate or consume XML document instances delivered via multiple transport interfaces for verification and validation.