Other News


Analyze Disk Utilization

By Russ Whitney – Most users who know about analysis applications recognize the power and value of analysis but don't realize the breadth of situations to which analysis applications are applicable. Probably 80 percent of OLAP product demonstrations use sales data. The sample database that SQL S



SyncML is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) protocol under development as an open standard for the universal synchronization of data between devices, one of the most important building blocks in the development of third generation (3G)wireless. The SyncML Initiative was founded in February of 2000


XML World 2001

Unquestionably the best XML event of the year 2000, XML World is coming to San Francisco for 2001. The one event that showcases all aspects of XML – and that gives a due emphasis to the business of XML – will be opening its doors at the San Francisco Marriott for the 17th through 20th of September,


The Naming of Parts

by John E. Simpson – I'm thinking, for example, of a rule like "an element name must begin with a letter (alphabet) and can be followed by alphanumeric characters." Are any special characters (like -, _, #, @, etc.) allowed in the name? Where can I find the specification that defines the



XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), formerly code named XFRML, is a freely available electronic language for financial reporting. It is an XML-based framework that provides the financial community a standards-based method to prepare, publish in a variety of formats, reliably extract and a