Other News


SAX, the power API

This preview of the second edition of XML by Example by Benoit Marchal gives a solid introduction to SAX, the event-based API for processing XML that has become a de facto standard. This preview tells when to use SAX instead of DOM, gives an overview of commonly used SAX interfaces, and provides det


XSL Basics (part 1)

By icarus – With a sound foundation in XML theory behind you, it's now time to address the other half of the jigsaw – actually converting all that marked-up data into something useful. This first article in a two-part series examines the need, rationale and basic concepts of XSLT, the Extensible


WebApp Server Product Suite

Designed to simplify the Web application building process, WebApp Studio is equipped with easy-to-use Internet development tools and wizards that automatically generate HTML, WML, and server side scripts. WebApp Server utilizes n-tier architecture and makes creating applications that run in Web brow


SQL Server CE Product Guide

SQL Server 2000 Windows® CE Edition (SQL Server CE) is the compact database for rapidly developing applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to devices. This product guide outlines the design goals and new features for SQL Server CE and explains how the product extends the fro


XMLTech Summit 2001

Focused Tracks Will Show You How to Build the Next Wave of the Enterprise Web. Harness UDDI, SOAP and WSDL for peer-to-peer collaboration and interoperability. Get bleeding-edge, pragmatic advice from architects of the XML revolution and developers in the trenches already using the technolo


XPath Basics

By Vikram Vaswani – One of the fundamental constructs for XSL transformations and XML links, XPath is nonetheless one of the lesser lights of the XML universe. However, if you're serious about developing your XML skills, you need to know it inside out – and this tutorial has all you need to get