Other News


The Practical SQL Handbook

If you are like most visitors to this website, you have a strong interest in SQL Server, and most likely, Transact-SQL. As you probably know, Transact-SQL is a superset of the ANSI SQL standard. Code written in ANSI SQL will run under SQL Server, and on any relational database that also supports ANS


A New Old Angle on XML

by Edd Dumbill – One of the things that has made XML famous is the angle bracket; the pleasing symmetry of the opened and the closed. Angle brackets are key to the particular strength of XML, a uniform and universally agreed syntax. It is hardly surprising, then, that the angle bracket


FOP wraps Batik

The latest version of the Apache XML Project's XSL Formatting Objects processor, FOP, incorporates the Batik SVG renderer. This gives FOP much improved support for rendering SVG diagrams. FOP is a print formatter capable of processing XSL-FO and creating PDF files. Other improvements in t