Other News


What Are XForms?

by Micah Dubinko – Think about how many times a day you use forms, electronic or otherwise. On the Web, forms have truly become commonplace for search engines, polls, surveys, electronic commerce, and even on-line applications. Nearly all user interaction on the Web is through forms of some sort. Th


How to Configure SQL Mail

This article describes how to properly configure your mail client so that it works with SQL Mail. The article also describes some common pitfalls that you might encounter when you set up SQL Mail to work with Exchange or Internet mail servers. SQL Mail establishes a simple Mail Application Pr


Managing Security

A database must have a solid security system to control which activities can be performed and which information can be viewed and modified. A solid security system ensures the protection of data, regardless of how users gain access to the database. This section describes the security tools bu


Choosing schemas

by Mark Wilson – Originally, SGML was the flavour of the month. SGML documents were structured using DTDs. With the advent of XML, the DTD had some good features and some bad features. Before we discuss the various types of schemas, let's take a look at the pros and cons of DTD and schemas.