Column-Level Security with DECODE To restrict access to a certain column or columns within a table, you might create a view upon that table hiding unnecessary columns as needed. Sometimes, however, making a certain column completely inaccessible is not exactly what you’d like to get. Instead, you might mask the column values so that the user can access only those...
Pro Members
Safeguarding Financial Data
Safeguarding Financial Data By Craig S. Mullins Regulatory compliance has become a critical aspect of the IT landscape, and is a special consideration for financial institutions that house sensitive data. More and more regulations are being passed that dictate increased effort be exerted to better secure and protect the accuracy and privacy of mainframe data. The most valuable enterprise data...
SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Search Optimization Tips
SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Search Optimization Tips Consider using the new custom NEAR option of the CONTAINS predicate or CONTAINSTABLE function. SQL Server 2012 introduces new custom NEAR option of the CONTAINS predicate or CONTAINSTABLE function. By using the custom NEAR option you can do the following: – optionally specify the maximum number of non-search terms that separate the first...
Joining Relational Data and XML Data In a SQL Query
Joining Relational Data and XML Data In a SQL Query In this article, you’ll look at how you might merge external XML data into an Oracle database and then join that XML data with relational data stored inside the database within a single SQL query. To follow the article sample, you’ll first need to create an XML document to be...
Working With Variable Length Data
Working With Variable Length Data by Craig S. Mullins One of the key design issues that must be addressed in most database applications is how to implement character data that varies in size from row to row. The basic trade-off is “ease-of-use and performance” versus “storage requirements.” It is possible to save disk storage space by using variable columns instead...
XML Support and SQL Server (Part 4)
XML Support and SQL Server (Part 4) By Basit A. Farooq Editor’s Note: This article is the fourth part of my XML support and SQL Server article series. In this part, I’ll talk about XML data type. I’ll also demonstrate how you can create XML variables and XML columns, and compare between typed and untyped XML. With the release of...
Tips for using SQL Server 2012 indexed views
Tips for using SQL Server 2012 indexed views One of the ways to optimize SQL Server 2012 performance is using indexed views. You can improve performance by creating a unique clustered index on the view, if the view is frequently referenced in queries that involve complex processing, such as aggregating lots of data or joining many rows. After creating a...
Combining Multiple Queries In a Single One
Combining Multiple Queries In a Single One This is often the case when you need to query more than one table in a single query, or even issue more than one subquery to a single table, combining those subqueries in a single query. There are several types of queries that come within the above description, including joins, hierarchical queries, and...
How Can a Career Vision Help Me with My Career?
How Can a Career Vision Help Me With My Career? Professional Development Series This is Laura Lee Rose, a business and life coach that specializes in professional development, time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. In my GoTo Academy: Soft Skill Tools for the GoTo Professional continuous online coaching series, I go into professional development and real-world IT topics...
Partitioning Relational Data – (Part – 3)
Partitioning Relational Data – (Part – 3) By Basit A. Farooq This is the third part of the three part article series on partitioning relational data. In the first part of this three-part article series on partitioning relation data, I started the article by giving an introduction to partition relational data along with the reasons why you might want to...