Managing Database Storage By Craig S. Mullins Database systems require data files to store the data under management. These files, or data sets, reside on storage media. So storage management should be a key part of the database operations required of a database administrator (DBA). Unfortunately, storage is sometimes relegated to an afterthought; after all, don’t we have storage administrators...
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Tips for using views in SQL Server 2012
Tips for using views in SQL Server 2012 Keep the indexes on the views as narrow as possible. Because each index takes up disk space try to minimize the index key’s size to avoid using superfluous disk space. This reduces the number of reads required to read the index and boost overall index performance. Consider using indexed views. Indexed views...
Running Oracle Database on Oracle VM VirtualBox
Running Oracle Database on Oracle VM VirtualBox By Yuli Vasiliev This article covers how you might evaluate Oracle Database coming with the Database App Development VM appliance that installs on Oracle VM VirtualBox. This appliance includes Oracle Linux as the operating system, and a number of some other Oracle products pre-installed on it, including Oracle Database, allowing you to run...
Designing and Implementing Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Architecture – (Part 1)
Designing and Implementing Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Architecture – (Part 1) Author: Basit A. Farooq Editor’s Note: This is the two part article series on designing and implementing online analytical processing (OLAP) architecture. In this article series, I will first discuss how to design and implement logical multidimensional solution architecture. After that, I will explain the design considerations for online...
Preparing for Database Application Design Reviews
Preparing for Database Application Design Reviews By Craig S. Mullins Design reviews are an important facet of the system development lifecycle for database applications. It is imperative that all database applications, regardless of their size, participate in some form of design review both before and after implementation. Design reviews are critical for ensuring that an application is properly designed to...
Tips for using Very Large Databases in SQL Server 2012
Tips for using Very Large Databases in SQL Server 2012 Use distributed partitioned views to partition tables horizontally across multiple servers. By using distributed partitioned views you can greatly improve the very large database performance. Turn off the "automatically grow file" and "auto shrink" options for your very large database. Autogrowing and autoshrinking result in some performance degradation, therefore you...
SQL Server index related dynamic management views and functions – (Part 3)
SQL Server index related dynamic management views and functions – (Part 3) By Basit A. Farooq Editor’s Note: This is the part-3 of this three part article series on index-related dynamic management and functions. In this part, I’ll be covering following index-related dynamic management views (DMVs) that are helpful to find missing indexes inside databases. Introduction: With the release of...
SELECT from INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and MERGE By Craig S. Mullins A somewhat under-utilized feature of DB2 SQL provides the ability to SELECT from INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and MERGE statements. This capability was introduced to DB2 for z/OS over two versions: version 8 and version 9. SELECT from INSERT was introduced with DB2 V8, the remaining with V9. Let’s start...
Tips for using SQL Server 2012 file and filegroups
Tips for using SQL Server 2012 file and filegroups Microsoft SQL Server 2012 introduces many new useful stored procedures, functions and operators. Some actions you can perform without these new features, but usually using them provides more easy and effective way to accomplish the same goal. For example, Microsoft introduces SQL Server FILESTREAM technology that enables SQL Server-based applications to...
Tips for Minimizing Deadlocks
Tips for Minimizing Deadlocks By Basit A. Farooq The Database servers are configured in such a way that they can service multiple requests from multiple users. Obviously this increases the likelihood of conflicts because multiple processes can request access to same resources at the same time. This type of conflict is also known as block or blocking. The blocking usually...