Testing Oracle Database With Pre-built VM By Yuli Vasiliev You don’t have to prepare your system, download, and then install an Oracle database to be able to test it. You can significantly simplify the database installation process by using the pre-built Database App Development VM appliance running within Oracle VM VirtualBox. This appliance is available for download from the Pre-Built...
Pro Members
How to Quantify Goals with Intangible Duties
How to Quantify Goals with Intangible Duties Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of the time management book TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. Steve Wynkoop and I talk about designing and managing our professional careers on a weekly...
Creating cloud driven intelligent systems
Creating Cloud Driven Intelligent Systems Intelligent systems require integration of a variety elements and the process has been an extremely complicated one to date. Cloud backup driven systems operating with the Internet has changed it all. The two way communication that is basic to the set up of intelligent systems has become a reality. Today deskbound or handheld systems can...
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2012 Roles
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2012 Roles If you have problems with SQL Server 2012 roles, review this troubleshooting checklist to find potential solutions. 1. Install the latest SQL Server 2012 service pack. Because many SQL Server 2012 roles bugs were fixed in SQL Server service packs, you should install the latest SQL Server service pack. At the time this article was...
Understanding SQL Server Full-text Indexing – (Part 2)
Understanding SQL Server Full-text Indexing – (Part 2) Author: Basit A. Farooq In this part, you will learn how to create full-text index using Transact-SQL, and how to manage and optimize full-text search catalogs and indexes. Creating a full-text index by using Transact- SQL To create a full-text index by using Transact-SQL: If the full-text catalog you want to store...
Database Tables Holding Data in Oracle XML DB Repository
Database Tables Holding Data in Oracle XML DB Repository By Yuli Vasiliev This article illustrates how you might query the XMLType tables that hold the data available via Oracle XML DB Repository. In particular, you’ll look at how you might optimize XQuery queries that use functions fn:doc and fn:collection to reference the repository data, accessing the underlying storage tables directly...
How public are public clouds?
How Public are Public Clouds? The term public is used in a relative sense in cloud computing. The public cloud is more public than the private cloud. Subscribers to the public cloud share the same underlying hardware and software resources for their computing needs. However, the data that is uploaded by an entity is isolated from the data belonging to...
Understanding SQL Server Full-text Indexing – (Part 1)
Understanding SQL Server Full-text Indexing – (Part 1) Author: Basit A. Farooq In this part, you will learn about full-text indexing, how to configure an SQL Server instance to support full-text search, and how to create full-text index using SQL Server Management Studio. Introduction: SQL Server allows applications and users to execute full- text search queries against character based data...
3 Things: Moving Some, All or None of Your Systems to the Cloud
3 Things: Moving Some, All or None of Your Systems to the Cloud by Stephen Wynkoop Overview Making the move – for some or all (or none) of your systems is a big move. At first it’s all about cost savings. Then you find that there are really strong reasons for moving that encompass functionality, better systems, better availability and...
Old wine in new bottles: cloud computing
Old Wine in New Bottles: Cloud Computing Cloud computing is not a new concept. But, the way in which the concept is being exploited to derive business benefits—is new. It is old wine in new bottles—very attractive bottles at that! The term “cloud” was inspired by the use of the cloud symbol in Internet flowcharts and diagrams to indicate how...