
Working with Departmental Databases – Reader Comments

Working with Departmental Databases
Jeff wrote in with some experiences (share yours here): "As a consultant, I like to run osql –L on a regular basis at my clients. When “unknown” servers raise their heads I review the list with the local manager to decide it the DB needs to brought “into the fold”, ignored or actively removed.

As a side note, I am continually amazed by the response of “ignore it, it’s just application so-and-so”. If the application was important enough to purchase and install why is it not important enough to monitor the health of the database? Even if it’s just to ensure that the DBCCs are clean and it is backed up on a semi-regular basis."

…and Tim had this to add: "This starts at the very top. The CIO must have the authority to tell a “User” departmental head that we must set up this server with common standards and procedures for the security and integrity of the system. That includes taking the “sa” account away from all who currently have it. Then sit back and watch the fireworks!

The root of the problem often lies in the original purchase. A user department goes out and purchases a new software package. The package uses MS SQL Server. So, they purchase the software, a server to put it on and a SQL Server license. The vendor of the package usually comes in and sets it all up for them and off they go. The IT department typically knows nothing about any of this. All is well until…..

Ring-ring-ring…”Mr. DBA, I hosed up my database can you help me restore it”. HUH! what database? What server? What are you talking about? You logon to their system and find that the maintenance plans the vendor set up haven’t run in months. You find an old backup file but its 3 months old. The tran logs have completely filled the disk drive because they never get dumped.

Sounds funny! believe me, this is actually happens ALL THE TIME.

Now the hard part (besides telling them they’ve lost 3 months of data). The IT department needs to take over support of this server. YIKES! You would think you just ask them to leave the company. “Hold on” they say. “We purchased this server ourselves, we own it”. My first thought is to point out their restore dilemma and tell them to restore it themselves next time if they can. Not PC! So, where does that leave us?

Sometimes you lose the battle. Some User Departments just will not let go of the reigns and they have the backing of their own Chief Officer. In many situations just like this we typically work out a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the User group. We specifically work out what part IT will be responsible for and what part the User Group is responsible for.

It usually ends up that IT will be responsible for backups and restores. They also want us to take a good look over of the system to make sure all the configuration parms are right and the system is performing well. Then, HANDS OFF! Everything else goes to the User Department. I know, not secure at all and the User’s do quite often hose up their database again and yes, we have to restore it.

One of my favorite lines in a movie is the Segal movie “Under Siege”. Several times in the movie Segal says “I’m just the cook!”. So, to close I can only say ‘I’m just the DBA!’ "

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