Featured Article(s)
Column-Level Security with DECODE
To restrict access to a certain column or columns within a table, you might create a view upon that table hiding unnecessary columns as needed. Sometimes, however, making a certain column completely inaccessible is not exactly what you’d like to get. Instead, you might mask the column values so that the user can access only those column values that she is authorized to access. This article illustrates how the DECODE function might be used for column masking.
When Should We Innovate?
“If our system doesn’t work the way you do business, you need to consider changing the way you do business.”
I first heard this phrase in 1991. It was made by a software manufacturer who no longer exists, and the product has been defunct for 15 years.
Were they right? Were they wrong? Was this simply a marketing strategy that didn’t work? Is this the kind of thinking that spurns innovation?
I don’t really have a solid answer for any of the questions. However, I have heard other statements, some made publicly, and some internal to companies where I was involved, stating that micro-computers would never be able to contribute significantly. Mid-range and mainframe computers would be essential for companies to handle their core processing needs.
This sets the stage for the question I want to pose for discussion. Innovation may be essential for company success. So, how do you know when the best choice for your company is to implement the current techniques and skill sets, or to look toward innovation?
What are the issues we should consider when evaluating an innovative decision? Do you have an experience when innovation was the best choice? How about an experience when innovation was a bad decision? Share your thoughts or experiences by writing btaylor@sswug.org.
Featured White Paper(s)
Key Management in the Multi-Platform Environment
Written by Townsend Security
This White Paper discusses the challenges … (read more)
Featured Script
It may not always be desirable to consider all of what isnumeric considers numeric, numeric (q.v.)…. (read more)