Kalen Delaney Virtual Workshop: SQL Server 2008 Indexes – Internals and Best Practices – Last Day To Register
Feb. 25, 2011 – Along with a good database design I would say that Indexes are a cornerstone to good database performance. There are a lot of other skills you can develop in relational databases; but without these two skills, you’re going to find yourself in a heap of trouble. The SSWUG.org’s virtual workshop, conducted by Microsoft SQL Server MVP Kalen Delaney, will give you the skills you need to understand indexes, evaluate their effectiveness and make the necessary adjustments for performance. Register today to save your spot.
Featured Article(s)
SQL Server 2008: The Resource Governor (Part 2 of 3)
One of the long requested features by many DBAs over the last few decades has been the ability to throttle resource usage based on the workload coming in to the server. Microsoft has finally given us the Resource Governor in SQL Server 2008. In this session, we’ll talk about what the Resource Governor really is, how it works, and what it will and WON’T do for your servers
Featured White Paper(s)
Why and How You Should Find and Fix Index Fragmentation
In a high-volume database you need frequent critical maintenance. If you skip this important task, index fragmentation may ca… (read more)
Featured Script
demo example procedure of how an output variable may be used… (read more)
Online Course: Introduction to SQL Server Replication or SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
On-Demand Sessions Start on MARCH 1, 2011 and Ends MARCH 31, 2011
Have you taken advantage of any of these on-demand courses taught by Eric Johnson yet. The response has been awesome. You have access to all the course content, in this case 12 sessions for either Replication or 12 sessions for SSIS, for an entire month. Study when you have time, learn at your own pace, and establish an expertise in areas where you have not had enough experience. Register for Replication and/or Register for SSIS in this March series. Registration ends February 28th which is next Monday.
What Do You Look For in a DBA?
Even though there are many facets or skills that are often captured under the title DBA, I’m pondering (and a ponder is something you should never waste) what are some of the characteristics of a DBA that makes them valuable?
Today you get another one of my lists which, although coming from my own head now, are not unique to me. They are things I have experienced or read from many other articles, blogs, or selecTViews I’ve watched in the past that have simply become second nature.
So here goes:
- Determined – Not willing to live with a band-aid approach to problem solving, finds a permanent solution
- Reliable – Someone you know will be there when they are needed
- Respectful – Able to work well with peers, subordinates or management
- Current – Not willing to live with last years solutions, always seeking new ways to do the same old thing even better
- Resourceful – Able to figure things out through networking, research, surfing, pure common sense
- Collaborates – works with colleagues to solve problems, learns from others, shares knowledge with others
- Balanced – Having a balanced life of work, family, self
- Bald – Just kidding; that’s not really necessary. I’m checking if you read this far (and since I’m bald if we include this I’ll get at least one)
Want to add to my list? You can if you drop me a note at btaylor@sswug.org.