
Tools of the Trade

SQL Server and SharePoint Data Integration
SharePoint’s Data View web part can do much more than just view data. It can serve as a complete front-end to your SQL Server (and other data store) information allowing you to create robust applications without writing code. In this session, you will see just how to create such an application including conditional graphics. You’ll even learn how to pass data from SQL Server into a SharePoint Designer workflow for business process automation.
Presented by: Ricky Spears

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> Live date: 10/6/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
In this Experts & Insights video, we take a close-up look at the data protection challenges and solutions surrounding downtim… (read more)

Free SSWUG.org Event Friday, September 24, 2010 9:00 a.m. PT
Attend and learn about SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning & Troubleshooting. In the sessions at this free expo, you’ll learn about query plans and the types of information and tuning help they can provide, numerous monitoring and performance management options and much more. We’ll also be presenting sessions that include information about key setup and operations items for your SQL Servers.
Register here.

Tools of the Trade
Here is a link to Mladen Prajdi Blog of Free SQL Tools. Mladen has a number of links to open systems or free software sources for different kinds of tools useful to those of you who use or manage SQL Server.

I tried out a few of them. The database comparison tools were not bad. Most of them only compared Schema and/or SQL Server objects. Most did not compare databases on different engines.

There was an interesting tool for doing Entity Relationship Diagrams running completely in the browser. I found it a little clunky where it didn’t recognize my mouse clicks. All in all, it was a lot of fun. I’ve used most of the commercial tools out there (ER Studio, ErWin, Power Designor, TOAD, and Visio). For drawing diagrams, this wasn’t too bad.

There were some scripting tools that allowed you to script out insert statements for tables. Nothing seemed to come close to SQL Data Compare from Red Gate (Commercial Product).

There were some tools for monitoring and tuning your servers as well.

As always, you get what you pay for. But I thought this would be something worth your time.

Drop me links to your favorite tools at btaylor@sswug.org. You probably have a little gem or two you can share with the rest of our members.


Featured Article(s)
Building Simple Reports with Reporting Services (Part 3 of 5)
In this part we will show how to use parameters and filters. We will cover making page level reports year round. We will also discuss how to add more room.

Featured Script
Description: A User / Role based flow control stored procedure demo. Generally, it is best to use roles and IS_MEMBER if poss… (read more)