The Terms Overlap
As we’ve been considering Database Appliances a number of terms, techniques, problems and solutions continue to overlap.
We see terms like Cloud, Appliance, Parallel Processing, Distributed data, Structured data, Big Data and distributed processing continue to appear with different implementations behind each.
None of these terms are mutually exclusive as I see it. Different offerings take a different approach to all of the terms and put together a package that works uniquely with their combinations.
For example, Aster Data has built a Big Data analytical engine combining the MapReduce pattern with traditional SQL and structured data. Their offering is based on a combination of custom software integrated with the Teradata relational engine. According to Aster they marry their MapReduce Appliance with an Aster Teradata high speed data transfer adapter.
According to Aster, this solution is “A purpose-built, integrated hardware and software solution for analytics at big data scale, Aster MapReduce Appliance runs Aster’s patented SQL-MapReduce® technology on time-tested, fully-supported Teradata hardware.”
Are these appliances the tools of today, or just the current fad? Do you see your organization needing the ability to mine Big Data?
Drop me a note with your opinion at
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