
The Power of the CROSS JOIN

The Power of the CROSS JOIN
I have been intrigued with the power of a Cartesian query ever since the days when we had to pull a power cord to kill a query someone had written doing a Cartesian query on two very large tables.

A Cartesian query, implemented in TSQL by using a CROSS JOIN, results in joining all rows in table A to all rows in table B. In this case, you return the number of rows in Table A * the number of rows in Table B. With a CROSS JOIN there is no join criteria in the JOIN clause; by design. A cartesian join of two tables with 100 rows each would be 100 * 100 = 10,000 rows. Guess what happens to your server when you run a query like that on tables with thousands or even millions of rows? Start looking for the power cord.

This can be a very useful behavior, and I have often taken advantage of the CROSS join. One of my favorite examples is when I want to take two dimensions, get all possible permutations of those dimensions, and then find facts meeting in the intersection. Here is an example:

Dimension 1 – Sales Region
Dimension 2 – Time in Quarters
Fact – Sales

I can do a cross join of Sales Region to Quarters to get my matrix. Then, I can do an outer join to the Sales table and sum the sales amounts. Those regions with no sales in a specific quarter will simply have zero for the sales total. However, without my CROSS JOIN I would only see those intersections where sales occurred.

Here is what that could look like in SQL.

Quarter.Name as [Quarter]
,Region.Name as Region
,ISNULL(SUM(Sales.Total), 0) as TotalSales
FROM Region
LEFT JOIN Sales ON Sales.QuarterID = Quarters.QuarterID
AND Sales.RegionID = Region.RegionID
GROUP BY Quarter.Name, Region.Name

Maurice has another good example demonstrating the power of CROSS JOIN.

-- This query demonstrate that you can generate some iterations on data
-- This one finds work days.
-- The nums CTE generate some "virtual rows" inside the access plan
-- Cross join make this iteration.
-- Then the CTE monthStart get the date that starts the month
-- Then by cross joining nums values with month start it is
-- possible to generate all month dates from current month
-- The last LEFT JOIN eliminates all dates for which there is some event
-- There is no need to have all existing dates in the @event calendar.
-- WeekEnds are also removed. So all that remains are workdays.

declare @Events table (d datetime, Holiday nvarchar(50))

insert into @Events (d, Holiday)
values ('20130508', 'Holiday0'), ('20130523', 'Holiday1'), ('20130524', 'Holiday2')

L0 AS (select 1 as c union all Select 1 )
, L1 as (select 1 as C From L0 A Cross JOIN L0 B )
, L3 as (select 1 as C From L1 A Cross JOIN L1 B )
, L4 as (select 1 as C From L3 A Cross JOIN L3 B )
, L5 as (select 1 as C From L4 A Cross JOIN L4 B )
, nums as (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by C) as nb from L5)
, monthStart as (Select dateadd(mm, datediff (mm, '19000101', GETDATE()), '19000101') as Start)
, NbOfDayInAMonth as (Select nb-1 as DayOrderInTheMonth from nums where nb <= 31)
Start + DayOrderInTheMonth as DayGeneratedFromNums, tc.d, tc.Holiday
MonthStart M
cross join
NbOfDayInAMonth NDM
left join
@Events tc
on (tc.d = M.Start + NDM.DayOrderInTheMonth)
Where tc.d is null
And (DATEPART(dw, M.Start + NDM.DayOrderInTheMonth) + @@DATEFIRST) % 7 not in (0,6 )
order by NDM.DayOrderInTheMonth

Share your favorite use for the CROSS JOIN behavior by dropping me an Email at btaylor@sswug.org, or if available you can enter comments below. Get into the conversation.




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