
The Perfect Work Environment

The Perfect Work Environment

The perfect work environment varies for individuals. Some people like open spaces, windows, bright lighting, and lots of collaborative workspace. Others like cubicles or offices where they can close out the rest of the world and concentrate. What works for you will not always be the same for other individuals. One office I worked in was dark with no overhead lighting at all.

I have found a few things that make a big difference, and are pretty universal…even then they may not be right for you. Let’s start with ergonomic requirements. Ergonomics are essential if you do a lot of typing or working on a computer.

It helps if the middle of your monitor is at eye level. Then the top and the bottom are the same. This may differ if you wear bifocal glasses. The goal is to not have to bend your neck up or down in order to see the monitor clearly.

The same concept goes for your keyboard and mouse. If you hang your arms down at your sides, and point your forearm out at 90 degrees, you will have less stress on your body for typing or using your mouse if can type or manipulate your mouse with your arms in this position. For those of us who live by the operation of the computer this can be a great asset and extend the duration of your career without pain.

Personally I like to stand. I have a desk that raises or lowers so I can sit if I get tired. This adds requirements for a good cushion on the floor similar to the ones found for a cashier who stands all day at a store. Also, a good pair of shoes are essential. Get the best you can afford. By the way, look for studies on the benefits of standing for folks with sit down jobs. It has been show to greatly reduce risk of many health problems associated with folks who sit all day at work.

There are lots of other things that make a work environment enjoyable or effective. Why not share your favorites. Add your thoughts to the conversation below, or drop me an Email at btaylor@sswug.org to be included in a later newsletter.




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