
The Oracle/Sun Deal – Thoughts and Feedback

Featured Article(s)
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2005 Locking (Part 2)
In this article, Alexander Chigrik explains some problems that you can have with SQL Server 2005 locking. He also tells how you can resolve these problems.

PowerShell – Learning and Understanding It
There isn’t any doubt that PowerShell is one of those technologies that can help out in your shop. You can automate all sorts of things and you can use it for managing multiple server applications. There’s a lot to the capabilities here, and Idera has been working to make samples and how-to information available a number of different ways. Be sure to check out the how-to series on Idera.com – you can get started here – it’s a great way to learn.

The Oracle/Sun Deal – Thoughts and Feedback
It seems like there’s very mixed reviews on this one. I’ll be interested to see if more feedback comes in in the coming days, but the initial feedback runs the range of thought from blasting away at the deal just for the thought of it to more contemplative "wait and see" approaches.

My feelings on this are two-fold. First, I thought the IBM deal made a lot of sense. I think IBM could have brought some good work to the table and their different products and initiatives in other areas tended to complement, rather than compete directly with, many of the Sun offerings. IBM has also been working in the open source space on other projects, so it seemed to make sense along those lines as well.

With Oracle, it feels different. How do all of the pieces fit into the Oracle mix of products? How does Oracle integrate another database, another application suite and the other tools? I know Oracle has long been very active in the Java(/script) space, and I know too that there are competitive slants to this (OpenOffice), but to me at least, it feels like more of a stretch than the IBM deal. Of course they didn’t ask me, but … 😉

Please send in your thoughts here – I’ll pass along a few of the bits of feedback I receive in the coming day or two.

vConference Day 1
Today we’re launching the latest vConference (more information here) – and are looking forward to all sorts of content, sessions and fun. We’ll be testing out some brand new approaches- from live sessions to twitter integration (hash-tag those tweets with #sswugvc) and much more. The conference starts pretty early Tucson-time (where we’re based) – I have to be in-studio at 5:00a for a 6:00a start. We’ll keep you posted in the newsletter here, and you can follow the hash-tag in Twitter – it should be a great first day!

If you’re attended, or want to attend, just head here, then select your conference. There will be a big button on the conference micro-sites that will get you and set up once the doors open. Look forward to seeing you there!

Featured White Paper(s)
SQL Server Fragmentation Explained
This technical white paper will help you understand SQL Server fragmentation and the performance benefits you can gain on yo… (read more)