
The Efficacy of Code Generators

Dilip shares experience using code generating tools:

Here, is what I have experienced by using some of the popular code generating software tools.

There are merits and de-merits in using self generating codes software. And still, I have always looked at them as key contributors.

The benefits we experienced

  1. It gives many logical clues which perhaps we might have missed.
  2. It almost ensures that there is no missing relationship such as a joins between two or more tables and that too on correct primary keys.
  3. It also gives best hints in terms of using correct / efficient index.
  4. The code many times is fairly optimized.
  5. It cuts down on typing efforts.
  6. It also provides good documentation and traceability across the database objects such as tables, keys, functions and stored procedures.

The not so benefits

  1. For the first time, i.e. in the beginning of any project, the code is very helpful and time saving.
  2. But, the code invariably needs to be refined to meet our coding standards.
  3. With the passage of time, the code starts becoming unwieldy and at times calls for scrapping and re-writing.
  4. The developers tend to over rely on such codes and ignore thorough checking of logic.
  5. The updated versions of such software tools, at times create a strange code (it may be due to some bugs, and we try to be cautious in such cases).
  6. There were times when the code generated was too long even for simple situations.

Finally, I feel that such tools may make programming a much lesser hassle but I don’t know whether they would replace programmers or logic.

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