
The Difference Between Continuous Integration and Continuous Release


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The Difference Between Continuous Integration and Continuous Release
Continuous Integration and Continuous Release are two of the more modern software development practices. However, they are quite different in concept.

Continuous Integration, as I have experienced it, allows for software to be developed incrementally. Each new feature that is developed or expanded is integrated into the previously developed code.

Using software development principles such as SOLID, etc. new features co-exist handily with old features, or replace them seamlessly.

Continuous Release is something quite different. The best example I can think of for continuous release that many of you have experienced is Google Chrome. Unlike some other browsers you don’t see major versions. In fact, you can’t run an old version.

Each time Chrome is opened it attempts to get the latest version for your environment. Your only other choice is to not us Chrome, or at least not use it in conjunction with the internet. Usually, a browser without the internet is of diminished use.

Continuous Release is a technique where the latest version of software is pushed to the consumer, often without option on their part, other than to discontinue use of that soffware. It makes it simpler for the developing company to support because there are fewer release versions currently in use in a production environment.

Hosted services are gearded toward continuoius Release. Amazon, Azure and others all have environments where they control what features are pushed into their hosting environments. Depending on the type of service your are utilizing, this impacts you a little or a lot. Software as a Service Cloud environments are the most impacted by Continuous Relase.

Obviously, Continuous Integration isn’t for everyone. There are many software tools difficult to implement with Continuous Integration. Even if you can do it, there are lots of hurdles to overcome. I can’t remember how many times Windows Updates have caused issues on my systems. Perhaps that’s a topic to consider for tomorrow.

How useful is Continuous Integration for your world? Why not share your experiences by writing to btaylor@sswug.org.

