
State Conclusion

Application State Conclusion

Before we leave the topic of Application State I wanted to leave you with a few thoughts.

When Microsoft first came out with guidelines for Windows 8 Applications one of the key components was the ability to maintain the state of your application. Gone are the days when users utilize an application for long periods of time such that the state is always current. Sometimes applications are virtually closed to conserve resources.

However, when a user returns to that application they expect the state to be as it was when they stopped using it.

This behavior is not new to Microsoft. It is just something I became aware of as a result of reading their guidelines. We already have come to anticipate that behavior from many applications we use.

I have applications I use online in a browser I appreciate the fact that they remember where I was. Even Netflix manages state. I can stop streaming on Netflix, close the browser, go to a completely different machine and restart that stream from virtually where I left off.

The point is that we have come to expect applications to remember what or where we were in the application, and return to that point when we return to the application. This capability is easier built into the application as it is being designed than added in as a feature after the application is more mature.

I anticipate State is going to become more important in the future.




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