
SSMS Add In Ideas

Webcast: Operational Excellence for DBAs, Part 1: Setup and Configuration Tomorrow!
This session covers key setup and configuration questions faced when setting up a new SQL Server, from the bare metal configuration on up. *What difference does the CPU make? *How important is 32-bit versus 64-bit? *Should I virtualize? *What kind of disk subsystem do I need? *What edition of SQL Server is best for this application and how should it be licensed? *What’s a good "starter" configuration compared to a "high-end" configuration? *What difference do important SP_CONFIGURE settings make to system performance?

> Register Now
> Live date: 11/10/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

SSWUG TSQL Workshop: Coming this Friday, 11/12 "TSQL for the Rest of Us"
Our own Stephen Wynkoop will be presenting a workshop this Friday providing a foundation for those working with SQL Server databases. His focus is the key concepts of TSQL used to create, manage and retrieve data from a SQL Server database. Click here to visit the workshop page. You can read or get more info from the online video, and sign up to attend.

Featured White Paper(s)
Data Protection: Evaluating Your Business Requirements & Classifying Your Data
The business of business is business, not IT. Your data protection practices, like your other business practices, should be a… (read more)

Featured Script
Creates stored procedure hr_Set_InsertNewSet Used in demonstrating manipulations of a Maps and Sets logical design of a hiera… (read more)

Looking to Coordinate SharePoint Across Locations?
Recently, Anglo American, one of the world’s largest mining groups, needed a way to ensure more than 20,000 knowledge workers in three different
locations – Johannesburg, South Africa; Santiago, Chile; and Brisbane, Australia – had access to the most up-to-date information on their distributed SharePoint farms in order to make better, more-informed business decisions. With AvePoint’s DocAve Replicator for SharePoint solution, Anglo American was able to deploy both full and event-driven replications according to its specific organizational needs, and was able to improve business productivity worldwide without overburdening its precious network bandwidth.
Read more about this success!

SSMS Add In Ideas
Today I’d like to share more of our reader requests for SQL Server Management Studio Add-ins or enhancements. Sometimes it kind of bleeds over from an Add-in into something that would be a feature change to SSMS itself.

For those hackers out there, here are some ideas for things people would use.

Drop me a note with your ideas at btaylor@sswug.org.



Some kind of control over what keystrokes enable selection of intellisense values. I am constantly typing characters (such as a period or space) with no intent of those being used for the intellisense functions, only to end up having to use the backspace every few SQL statements. In my case, I would like to set the TAB as the only character that would supply an intellisense selection that actually places the highlighted text into my query window.


I have an idea: How about having a client or server configuration that when enabled will prevent running of update or delete statements without a WHERE clause. This is to help prevent a scenario where a careless user runs a statement intending only to change/delete a few rows, forgets to enter the WHERE statement into their query, and deletes/damages the whole table.


Maybe a setting where all activity is wrapped into a transaction until the user chooses to Commit or Rollback


I’d like to have an option in the Object Explorer pane to group user databases. They already have a folder to group the system databases. Why not extend that to the user databases?


I’d like to have something that would allow me to search for things in any database on a server like using sp_MSForEachDB with a GUI for inputing parameters.