
SQL Server, Pricing and Application Platform Selection

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> 7/29/2009 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

SQL Server, Pricing and Application Platform Selection
I asked yesterday whether price mattered with SQL Server, or if most database platform selections were based on the applications. Interesting array of responses so far! What do you think? Email me here.

Daniel writes: "You are correct, the application drives the database. Cost becomes is second if the application supports more than one database.

However I would like to make a simple point. SQL Server should be part of the Windows operating system and not a separate product. This could replace the registry, the ESE in Exchange, Active Directory etc. Windows systems would be faster, more robust, more reliable, more secure and easier to manage. It would also allow Microsoft to finally roll out the forgotten WinFS searchable file system. IBM integrated DB2 in OS/400 decades ago (DB2 didn’t have a name, it was just part of the OS), Microsoft can do this with Windows Server and SQL Server.

…and Aaron wrote essentially the opposite: "Price is a huge factor. Not only in encouraging us to stick with SQL Server vs. Oracle in future development. But also the high cost of Enterprise Edition caused us to evaluate Spending ~$50,000 on slash storage for our Production setup instead of Spending ~$50,000 more on a machine with two more CPU sockets.

So the price of SQL Server is actually causing us to spend more on different areas of hardware to boost performance that don’t cause us to have to also purchase more SQL Server Ent. Licenses."

James wrote in with the standard… "I’m gonna go with ‘it depends.’

If all your in-house experience is with one environment or the other, price will be less of a factor. If you’re working with an existing process, the cost to change from one system to another would likely be more than any money you might save by switching systems. (I’m guessing that a switch from, e.g. SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 would be less of a change than from SQL Server 2000 to Oracle.)

On the other hand, if you’re starting a new process and aren’t limited by experience with only one system, then it would be worth it to examine pricing of different systems. When we started our data warehousing, we only had SQL Servers running, but also had some Oracle experience. So, we compared prices. We still only have SQL Servers, and price was a large factor in that decision."

More tomorrow – don’t forget to send in your thoughts! Email here.

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