
SQL Server 911 vWorkshop Tomorrow

Featured Article(s)
XML CDATA – An Introduction
CDATA section is declared using CDATA as the opening tag, and ]]> as the closing tag. The closing tag need not be escaped using the entity references as it will be parsed as part of the CDATA tag. The XML processor escapes all data between the CDATA tags. The CDATA keyword is also used by XML DTDs to declared attribute, entity and element types as character data.

vWorkshop – TOMORROWRegister Now
Chris Shaw’s SQL Server 911 vWorkshop – Tuesday Aug 18
SQL Server 911 – what you really need to know about SQL Server backup, recovery, disaster recovery. This is an in-depth workshop on all of the things you’ll want to pay attention to, and what to do if things go wrong on the restore process. This is an intense vWorkshop – just take a look at the outlineon the site for more information.
[Register Here] or [Get the course outline and overview]

Curious About Gemini? (Some of SQL Server 2008 R2 Features)
If you’re curious about what to expect from R2, you can get a sneak peek with the CTP that’s out now, but you can also watch Donald Farmer talk about features, how Gemini works within Excel and more here, at the Gemini blog. Be sure to scroll down a bit and take a look at the video captures of the different things they’re doing with Gemini.

It’s clear, as we’ve both mentioned here and as you’ve seen other places, that R2 is heavily intertwining Business Intelligence and the Office suite. I think that this release will take huge steps toward pulling Office even more into the foreground as a set of BI front-end tools.

I have a question.

Are you worried about this? Not R2, but the whole use of Office as a front-end? Truly, this will open the doors to people using information as they need to – but at the same time, you’ll be working with questions from the database that start with "they get their information from the same place I do, why don’t our numbers agree??" – and faced with determining whether there is a data issue or a data *use and/or application* issue. My personal feeling and hope is that we’ll also be seeing tools that will help in the versioning and controls on the use of information in the very near future.

I feel the pull to the new world of BI, I get it. But I also sense a bit of a wild-west coming on.

How do you feel about this? Am I all wet? How will you help manage information use, access and distribution?

I would LOVE to hear from you – what do you think? Please email me here.

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Chris Shaw, Stephen Wynkoop explore the top 10 SQL Server scripts that you simply must know about. Learn about scripts, why these particular scripts are great and where they are found.
[Watch the Show Here]

[Watch Here] (Part 2) Stephen Wynkoop and Chris Shaw talk about top SQL Server Performance Tips. Part 2 of 2 – things you can try, things you should know about, tips for your SQL Server.
[Watch Here] (Part 1) Stephen Wynkoop and Chris Shaw talk about top SQL Server Performance Tips
[Watch Here] vConference Session Sample: Thomas LaRock SQL Server 2008 Maintenance Plans. Learn about the ins and outs of maintenance plans in SQL Server 2008 – what do you really need to know?

Featured White Paper(s)
Practice Safe SQL Server Version Control
This paper describes the problem of version control and change management for the database itself.While it’s obvious for any … (read more)