
SQL Fire – SQL at Web Scale

SQL Fire – SQL at Web Scale

Most of the options allowing you to take your application to Web Scale are moving away from SQL in some way or another. NoSQL is a major proponent.

SQL Fire is a product from VM Ware addressing the issue of SQL at Web Scale. SQL Fire gains web scale performance using

  1. Data is stored on multiple machines
  2. Data is primarily stored in memory
  3. The database scales horizontally across multiple machines
  4. Data may be replicated across locations

These kinds of features are unique in a product that follows a traditional SQL Syntax. JDBC and ODBC may be used to attach and query SQL Fire data storage.

So, the intention is for you to be able to replace your persistence machine with an SQL engine following the traditional SQL Syntax, requiring less impact on your code while providing scalability rivaling all traditional SQL Engines. VM Ware says SQL Fire can be up to 30 times faster than Oracle 11g.

What do you think? Is there a place for an engine such as SQL Fire? It seems like it would be easier to introduce in an architecture using something like hibernate or some other ORM mechanism that does not use proprietary stored procedures, etc.

Get into the conversation by sharing your thoughts below, or drop an email to btaylor@sswug.org.




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